
interface Deno.QuicConn


Properties #

The endpoint for this connection.

#handshake: Promise<void>

Returns a promise that resolves when the TLS handshake is complete.

Return the remote address for the connection. Clients may change addresses at will, for example when switching to a cellular internet connection.

#protocol: string | undefined

The negotiated ALPN protocol, if provided. Only available after the handshake is complete.

#serverName: string | undefined

The negotiated server name. Only available on the server after the handshake is complete.

#closed: Promise<QuicCloseInfo>

Returns a promise that resolves when the connection is closed.

A stream of bidirectional streams opened by the peer.

A stream of unidirectional streams opened by the peer.

#maxDatagramSize: number

Returns the datagram stream for sending and receiving datagrams.

Methods #

#close(info?: QuicCloseInfo): void

Close closes the listener. Any pending accept promises will be rejected with errors.

Opens and returns a bidirectional stream.

Opens and returns a unidirectional stream.

#sendDatagram(data: Uint8Array): Promise<void>

Send a datagram. The provided data cannot be larger than maxDatagramSize.

#readDatagram(): Promise<Uint8Array<ArrayBuffer>>

Receive a datagram.