
function realpath

Overload 1

path: PathLike,
| BufferEncoding
| null
): Promise<string>

Determines the actual location of path using the same semantics as the fs.realpath.native() function.

Only paths that can be converted to UTF8 strings are supported.

The optional options argument can be a string specifying an encoding, or an object with an encoding property specifying the character encoding to use for the path. If the encoding is set to 'buffer', the path returned will be passed as a Buffer object.

On Linux, when Node.js is linked against musl libc, the procfs file system must be mounted on /proc in order for this function to work. Glibc does not have this restriction.

Parameters #

#path: PathLike
| BufferEncoding
| null

Return Type #


Fulfills with the resolved path upon success.

Overload 2

#realpath(): Promise<Buffer>

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Parameters #

#path: PathLike

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.

Return Type #


Overload 3

path: PathLike,
| BufferEncoding
| null
): Promise<string | Buffer>

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Parameters #

#path: PathLike

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

| BufferEncoding
| null

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.

Return Type #

Promise<string | Buffer>