
class URL

Browser-compatible URL class, implemented by following the WHATWG URL Standard. Examples of parsed URLs may be found in the Standard itself. The URL class is also available on the global object.

In accordance with browser conventions, all properties of URL objects are implemented as getters and setters on the class prototype, rather than as data properties on the object itself. Thus, unlike legacy urlObjects, using the delete keyword on any properties of URL objects (e.g. delete myURL.protocol, delete myURL.pathname, etc) has no effect but will still return true.

Constructors #

input: string | { toString: () => string; },
base?: string | URL,

Properties #

#hash: string

Gets and sets the fragment portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo#bar');
// Prints #bar

myURL.hash = 'baz';
// Prints https://example.org/foo#baz

Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the hash property are percent-encoded. The selection of which characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the parse and format methods would produce.

#host: string

Gets and sets the host portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:81/foo');
// Prints example.org:81

myURL.host = 'example.com:82';
// Prints https://example.com:82/foo

Invalid host values assigned to the host property are ignored.

#hostname: string

Gets and sets the host name portion of the URL. The key difference betweenurl.host and url.hostname is that url.hostname does not include the port.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:81/foo');
// Prints example.org

// Setting the hostname does not change the port
myURL.hostname = 'example.com';
// Prints https://example.com:81/foo

// Use myURL.host to change the hostname and port
myURL.host = 'example.org:82';
// Prints https://example.org:82/foo

Invalid host name values assigned to the hostname property are ignored.

#href: string

Gets and sets the serialized URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo');
// Prints https://example.org/foo

myURL.href = 'https://example.com/bar';
// Prints https://example.com/bar

Getting the value of the href property is equivalent to calling toString.

Setting the value of this property to a new value is equivalent to creating a new URL object using new URL(value). Each of the URL object's properties will be modified.

If the value assigned to the href property is not a valid URL, a TypeError will be thrown.

#origin: string

Gets the read-only serialization of the URL's origin.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo/bar?baz');
// Prints https://example.org
const idnURL = new URL('https://測試');
// Prints https://xn--g6w251d

// Prints xn--g6w251d
#password: string

Gets and sets the password portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://abc:xyz@example.com');
// Prints xyz

myURL.password = '123';
// Prints https://abc:123@example.com/

Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the password property are percent-encoded. The selection of which characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the parse and format methods would produce.

#pathname: string

Gets and sets the path portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/abc/xyz?123');
// Prints /abc/xyz

myURL.pathname = '/abcdef';
// Prints https://example.org/abcdef?123

Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the pathname property are percent-encoded. The selection of which characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the parse and format methods would produce.

#port: string

Gets and sets the port portion of the URL.

The port value may be a number or a string containing a number in the range 0 to 65535 (inclusive). Setting the value to the default port of the URL objects given protocol will result in the port value becoming the empty string ('').

The port value can be an empty string in which case the port depends on the protocol/scheme:

Upon assigning a value to the port, the value will first be converted to a string using .toString().

If that string is invalid but it begins with a number, the leading number is assigned to port. If the number lies outside the range denoted above, it is ignored.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:8888');
// Prints 8888

// Default ports are automatically transformed to the empty string
// (HTTPS protocol's default port is 443)
myURL.port = '443';
// Prints the empty string
// Prints https://example.org/

myURL.port = 1234;
// Prints 1234
// Prints https://example.org:1234/

// Completely invalid port strings are ignored
myURL.port = 'abcd';
// Prints 1234

// Leading numbers are treated as a port number
myURL.port = '5678abcd';
// Prints 5678

// Non-integers are truncated
myURL.port = 1234.5678;
// Prints 1234

// Out-of-range numbers which are not represented in scientific notation
// will be ignored.
myURL.port = 1e10; // 10000000000, will be range-checked as described below
// Prints 1234

Numbers which contain a decimal point, such as floating-point numbers or numbers in scientific notation, are not an exception to this rule. Leading numbers up to the decimal point will be set as the URL's port, assuming they are valid:

myURL.port = 4.567e21;
// Prints 4 (because it is the leading number in the string '4.567e21')
#protocol: string

Gets and sets the protocol portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org');
// Prints https:

myURL.protocol = 'ftp';
// Prints ftp://example.org/

Invalid URL protocol values assigned to the protocol property are ignored.

Gets the URLSearchParams object representing the query parameters of the URL. This property is read-only but the URLSearchParams object it provides can be used to mutate the URL instance; to replace the entirety of query parameters of the URL, use the search setter. See URLSearchParams documentation for details.

Use care when using .searchParams to modify the URL because, per the WHATWG specification, the URLSearchParams object uses different rules to determine which characters to percent-encode. For instance, the URL object will not percent encode the ASCII tilde (~) character, while URLSearchParams will always encode it:

const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/abc?foo=~bar');

console.log(myURL.search);  // prints ?foo=~bar

// Modify the URL via searchParams...

console.log(myURL.search);  // prints ?foo=%7Ebar
#username: string

Gets and sets the username portion of the URL.

const myURL = new URL('https://abc:xyz@example.com');
// Prints abc

myURL.username = '123';
// Prints https://123:xyz@example.com/

Any invalid URL characters appearing in the value assigned the username property will be percent-encoded. The selection of which characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the parse and format methods would produce.

Methods #

#toJSON(): string

The toJSON() method on the URL object returns the serialized URL. The value returned is equivalent to that of href and toString.

This method is automatically called when an URL object is serialized with JSON.stringify().

const myURLs = [
  new URL('https://www.example.com'),
  new URL('https://test.example.org'),
// Prints ["https://www.example.com/","https://test.example.org/"]
#toString(): string

The toString() method on the URL object returns the serialized URL. The value returned is equivalent to that of href and toJSON.

Static Methods #

input: string,
base?: string,
): boolean

Checks if an input relative to the base can be parsed to a URL.

const isValid = URL.canParse('/foo', 'https://example.org/'); // true

const isNotValid = URL.canParse('/foo'); // false
#createObjectURL(blob: NodeBlob): string

Creates a 'blob:nodedata:...' URL string that represents the given Blob object and can be used to retrieve the Blob later.

import {
} from 'node:buffer';

const blob = new Blob(['hello']);
const id = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

// later...

const otherBlob = resolveObjectURL(id);

The data stored by the registered Blob will be retained in memory until URL.revokeObjectURL() is called to remove it.

Blob objects are registered within the current thread. If using Worker Threads, Blob objects registered within one Worker will not be available to other workers or the main thread.

input: string,
base?: string,
): URL | null

Parses a string as a URL. If base is provided, it will be used as the base URL for the purpose of resolving non-absolute input URLs. Returns null if input is not a valid.

#revokeObjectURL(id: string): void

Removes the stored Blob identified by the given ID. Attempting to revoke a ID that isn't registered will silently fail.

interface URL

extends _URL