
class Temporal.Instant


A Temporal.Instant is an exact point in time, with a precision in nanoseconds. No time zone or calendar information is present. Therefore, Temporal.Instant has no concept of days, months, or even hours.

For convenience of interoperability, it internally uses nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (midnight UTC on January 1, 1970). However, a Temporal.Instant can be created from any of several expressions that refer to a single point in time, including an ISO 8601 string with a time zone offset such as '2020-01-23T17:04:36.491865121-08:00'.

See https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/instant.html for more details.

Constructors #

#Instant(epochNanoseconds: bigint)

Properties #

#[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Temporal.Instant"
#epochMilliseconds: number
#epochNanoseconds: bigint

Methods #

#add(durationLike: Omit<Temporal.Duration | DurationLike,
| "months"
| "weeks"
| "days"
> | string
): Temporal.Instant
#equals(other: Temporal.Instant | string): boolean
#round(roundTo: RoundTo<
| "minute"
| "second"
| "millisecond"
| "microsecond"
| "nanosecond"
): Temporal.Instant
other: Temporal.Instant | string,
options?: DifferenceOptions<
| "minute"
| "second"
| "millisecond"
| "microsecond"
| "nanosecond"
): Temporal.Duration
#subtract(durationLike: Omit<Temporal.Duration | DurationLike,
| "months"
| "weeks"
| "days"
> | string
): Temporal.Instant
#toJSON(): string
locales?: string | string[],
): string
#toString(options?: InstantToStringOptions): string
other: Temporal.Instant | string,
options?: DifferenceOptions<
| "minute"
| "second"
| "millisecond"
| "microsecond"
| "nanosecond"
): Temporal.Duration
#valueOf(): never

Static Methods #

#fromEpochMilliseconds(epochMilliseconds: number): Temporal.Instant
#fromEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds: bigint): Temporal.Instant