
variable caches

Provides access to the Cache API. Returns a CacheStorage object, which enables storing, retrieving, and managing request/response pairs in a cache.

Examples #

// Open (or create) a cache
const cache = await caches.open('v1');

// Store a response
await cache.put('/api/data', new Response('Hello World'));

// Retrieve from cache with fallback
const response = await caches.match('/api/data') || await fetch('/api/data');

// Delete specific cache
await caches.delete('v1');

// List all cache names
const cacheNames = await caches.keys();

// Cache-first strategy
async function fetchWithCache(request) {
  const cached = await caches.match(request);
  if (cached) return cached;

  const response = await fetch(request);
  const cache = await caches.open('v1');
  await cache.put(request, response.clone());
  return response;

Type #

See #