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Better debugging with the console API

Some of the console API is probably muscle memory for web developers, but there is so much more than just console.log() for you to use. Deno has great support for this API, so whether you’re writing JavaScript for the browser of for the server it’s worth learning about these helpful utilities.

Let’s take a look at some of this API’s most useful methods. Your debugging is going to get so much easier!

console.log() Jump to heading

Hello, old friend! You’ll most likely be using this to output logging messages to the console to help you debug.

console.log("Hello, world!"); // "Hello, world!"

You can output multiple items by separated by commas like so:

const person = {"name": "Jane", "city": "New York"}
console.log("Hello, " person.name, "from ", person.city); // "Hello, Jane from New York"

Or you can use string literals:

const person = { "name": "Jane", "city": "New York" };
console.log(`Hello ${person.name} from ${person.city}`); // "Hello, Jane from New York"

You can also apply some styling using CSS using the %c directive:

console.log("Wild %cblue", "color: blue", "yonder"); // Applies a blue text color to the word "blue"

…but there is much more you can do with the console API.

console.table() Jump to heading

The table method is helpful for outputting structured data like objects for easier inspection.

const people = {
  "john": {
    "age": 30,
    "city": "New York",
  "jane": {
    "age": 25,
    "city": "Los Angeles",


│ (idx) │ age │ city          │
│ john  │ 30  │ "New York"    │
│ jane  │ 25  │ "Los Angeles" │

You can also specify the properties of your object that you’d like to include in the table. Great for inspecting a summary of those detailed objects to see just the part you are concerned with.

console.table(people, ["city"]);

/* outputs
│ (idx) │ city          │
│ john  │ "New York"    │
│ jane  │ "Los Angeles" │

Timer methods Jump to heading

Understanding how long specific parts of your application take is key to removing performance bottlenecks and expensive operations. If you’ve ever reached for JavaScript’s date method to make yourself a timer, you’ll wish you’d know this one long ago. It’s more convenient and more accurate.

Try usingconsole.time(), console.timeLog(), and console.timeEnd() instead.

console.time("My timer"); // starts a timer with label "My timer"
// do some work...
console.timeLog("My timer"); // outputs the current timer value, e.g. "My timer: 9000ms"
// do more work...
console.timeEnd("My timer"); // stops "My timer" and reports its value, e.g. "My timer: 97338ms"

You can create multiple timers each with their own label. Very handy!

Counting things with console.count() Jump to heading

It can be helpful to keep a count of how many times specific operations in your code have been executed. Rather than doing this manually you can use console.count() which can maintain multiple counters for you based on the label you provide.

// increment the default counter

"default: 1"
"default: 2"
"default: 3"

This can be very handy inside a function and passing in a label, like so:

function pat(animal) {
  return `Patting the ${animal}`;


"cat: 1"
"cat: 2"
"dog: 1"
"cat: 3"

Going deeper with console.trace() Jump to heading

For a detailed view of what is happening in your application, you can output a stack trace to the console with console.trace():

// main.js
function foo() {
  function bar() {


    at bar (file:///PATH_TO/main.js:3:13)
    at foo (file:///PATH_TO/main.js:5:3)
    at file:///PATH_TO/main.js:8:1

There’s more to explore, but these handy methods can give your JavaScript debugging a boost and they are ready and waiting for you to use right in your browser or in your Deno application.

Take a look at console support in the API Reference docs. for more.

