
Hex and base64 encoding

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There are a few cases where it would be practical to encode and decode between different string and array buffer formats. The Deno Standard Library makes this easy.

The standard library provides hex and base64 encoding and decoding utilities
import { decodeBase64, encodeBase64 } from "jsr:@std/encoding/base64";
import { decodeHex, encodeHex } from "jsr:@std/encoding/hex";
We can easily encode a string or an array buffer into base64 using the encodeBase64 method.
const base64Encoded = encodeBase64("somestringtoencode");
console.log(encodeBase64(new Uint8Array([1, 32, 67, 120, 19])));
We can then decode base64 into a Uint8Array using the decode method.
const base64Decoded = decodeBase64(base64Encoded);
If we want to get the value as a string we can use the built-in TextDecoder.
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
To encode hex, we can use the encodeHex method.
const hexEncoded = encodeHex("somestringtoencode");
We can convert back to a string by using the decodeHex method.
const hexDecoded = decodeHex(hexEncoded);

Run this example locally using the Deno CLI:

deno run https://docs.deno.com/examples/scripts/hex_base64_encoding.ts

