Connect to Redis
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Using the jsr:@iuioiua/redis module, you can connect to a Redis database running anywhere.
Import the `RedisClient` from jsr:@iuioiua/redis
import { RedisClient } from "jsr:@iuioiua/redis";
Create a TCP connection with the Redis server
using redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });
Create an instance of 'RedisClient'
const redisClient = new RedisClient(redisConn);
Authenticate with the server by sending the command "AUTH <username> <password>"
await redisClient.sendCommand([
Set the "hello" key to have value "world" using the command "SET hello world"
await redisClient.sendCommand(["SET", "hello", "world"]); // "OK"
Get the "hello" key using the command "GET hello"
await redisClient.sendCommand(["GET", "hello"]); // "world"
Run this example locally using the Deno CLI:
deno run --allow-net --allow-env