
Cache #

Tools for caching and managing data. Store and retrieve data from the cache, manage cache storage limits, and handle cache-related events.

Eg caches

Canvas #

Create, transform, and display images and graphics within the HTML element.

Eg createImageBitmap

Crypto #

Cryptographic functionality for secure communication, data protection, and key management. Generate secure random numbers, encrypt and decrypt data, and manage cryptographic keys.

Eg crypto

Encoding #

Handle character encoding, decoding, and binary data conversion.

Eg TextDecoder, TextEncoder

Events #

Handle events and interactions. Listen for and respond to various events, including custom events, errors, progress, and promise rejections.

Eg addEventListener

Fetch #

HTTP client for fetching data across a network. Retrieve resources from servers, handle responses, and manage network requests.

Eg fetch, Response, Request, Headers

File #

File and data manipulation tools. Handle files, read data and work with binary content.

Eg File, Blob


GPU programming and rendering. Efficiently use a device’s graphics processing unit (GPU) for high-performance computations and complex image rendering.

Eg GPUDevice

I/O #

Interfaces for reading, writing, seeking, and managing resources. For handling of data streams, file I/O, and console interactions.

Eg stdin, inspect

Intl #

Tools for internationalization and localization. Create language-aware applications, handle date and time formatting, and adapt content for different locales.

Eg Intl

Messaging #

Facilitate communication between different parts of an application, allowing data exchange and coordination.

Eg BroadcastChannel, MessageChannel

Performance #

Measure, analyze, and optimize application performance.

Eg performance

Platform #

A set of essential interfaces and functions to interact with the browser environment. Eg handling user interactions, getting browser and device information, scheduling and canceling periodic or one-time tasks.

prompt, console

Storage #

Store data locally within the browser. Manage session storage and local storage.

sessionStorage, localStorage

Streams #

Manage data streams, queuing strategies, and transformations. Handle data in chunks, process large datasets, and optimize memory usage.

Eg ReadableStream, WritableStream, TransformStream

Temporal #

Date and time handling. Includes long-lived Workflows, calendar systems, time zones, and precise duration calculations.

Eg Temporal.Now, Temporal.PlainDate


Manipulate URLs, extract data from URLs and manage query parameters.


Wasm #

Efficiently execute computationally intensive tasks. Wasm module compilation, instantiation, memory management, and interaction with imports and exports.

Eg WebAssembly.instantiate, WebAssembly.Module, WebAssembly.Instance

WebSockets #

Enable real-time communication between clients and servers using WebSockets. Tools to create interactive and dynamic applications.

Eg WebSocket

Workers #

Run script operations in background threads. Manage worker threads, communicate with workers, and handle data transfer between workers and the main thread.

Eg Worker

Uncategorized #