On this page
Documentation guidelines
我们欢迎并感谢对 Deno 文档的贡献。如果你发现了问题,或者想要添加内容,每个页面底部都有一个“编辑此页面”的按钮。点击此按钮将带你到该页面在 Deno 文档库 中的源文件。然后你可以进行更改并提交拉取请求。
Deno 文档中的某些页面是从 Deno 库中的源文件生成的。这些页面不能直接编辑:
如果你发现这些页面中的问题,你可以向 Deno 库提交拉取请求,或者在 Deno 文档库 中提出问题,我们会对此进行修复。
Running the docs locally Jump to heading
You can fork and clone the entire Deno docs repository to your local machine and run the docs locally. This is useful if you want to see how your changes will look before submitting a pull request.
- Fork the Deno docs repository.
- Clone your fork to your local machine with
git clone
. - Change directory into the
directory you just cloned. - Run the docs repo locally with
deno task serve
. - Open your browser and navigate to
. - Optionally, generate the API documentation with
deno task reference
To see a more detailed description of available tasks, check out the Deno docs README