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deno bench,基准测试工具

Command line usage

deno bench [OPTIONS] [files]... [-- [SCRIPT_ARG]...]

Run benchmarks using Deno's built-in bench tool.

Evaluate the given files, run all benches declared with 'Deno.bench()' and report results to standard output:

deno bench src/fetch_bench.ts src/signal_bench.ts

If you specify a directory instead of a file, the path is expanded to all contained files matching the glob {*_,*.,}bench.{js,mjs,ts,mts,jsx,tsx}:

deno bench src/

Type checking options Jump to heading

--check Jump to heading

Set type-checking behavior. This subcommand type-checks local modules by default, so adding --check is redundant If the value of "all" is supplied, remote modules will be included. Alternatively, the 'deno check' subcommand can be used.

--no-check Jump to heading

Skip type-checking. If the value of "remote" is supplied, diagnostic errors from remote modules will be ignored.

Dependency management options Jump to heading

--cached-only Jump to heading

Require that remote dependencies are already cached.

--frozen Jump to heading

Error out if lockfile is out of date.

--import-map Jump to heading

Load import map file from local file or remote URL.

--lock Jump to heading

Check the specified lock file. (If value is not provided, defaults to "./deno.lock").

--no-lock Jump to heading

Disable auto discovery of the lock file.

--no-npm Jump to heading

Do not resolve npm modules.

--no-remote Jump to heading

Do not resolve remote modules.

--node-modules-dir Jump to heading

Sets the node modules management mode for npm packages.

--reload Jump to heading

Short flag: -r

Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) no value Reload everything jsr:@std/http/file-server,jsr:@std/assert/assert-equals Reloads specific modules npm: Reload all npm modules npm:chalk Reload specific npm module.

--vendor Jump to heading

Toggles local vendor folder usage for remote modules and a node_modules folder for npm packages.

Options Jump to heading

--allow-scripts Jump to heading

Allow running npm lifecycle scripts for the given packages Note: Scripts will only be executed when using a node_modules directory (--node-modules-dir).

--cert Jump to heading

Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file.

--config Jump to heading

Short flag: -c

Configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting Typically the configuration file will be called deno.json or deno.jsonc and automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.

--env-file Jump to heading

Load environment variables from local file Only the first environment variable with a given key is used. Existing process environment variables are not overwritten, so if variables with the same names already exist in the environment, their values will be preserved. Where multiple declarations for the same environment variable exist in your .env file, the first one encountered is applied. This is determined by the order of the files you pass as arguments.

--ext Jump to heading

Set content type of the supplied file.

--filter Jump to heading

Run benchmarks with this string or regexp pattern in the bench name.

--ignore Jump to heading

Ignore files.

--json Jump to heading

UNSTABLE: Output benchmark result in JSON format.

--location Jump to heading

Value of globalThis.location used by some web APIs.

--no-config Jump to heading

Disable automatic loading of the configuration file.

--no-run Jump to heading

Cache bench modules, but don't run benchmarks.

--permit-no-files Jump to heading

Don't return an error code if no bench files were found.

--seed Jump to heading

Set the random number generator seed.

--v8-flags Jump to heading

To see a list of all available flags use --v8-flags=--help Flags can also be set via the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable. Any flags set with this flag are appended after the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable.

File watching options Jump to heading

--no-clear-screen Jump to heading

Do not clear terminal screen when under watch mode.

--watch Jump to heading

Watch for file changes and restart process automatically. Only local files from entry point module graph are watched.

--watch-exclude Jump to heading

Exclude provided files/patterns from watch mode.

快速开始 Jump to heading

首先,创建一个文件 url_bench.ts 并使用 Deno.bench() 函数注册一个基准测试。

// url_bench.ts
Deno.bench("URL 解析", () => {
  new URL("https://deno.land");

其次,使用 deno bench 子命令运行基准测试。

deno bench url_bench.ts
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: deno 1.21.0 (aarch64-apple-darwin)

benchmark        time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
URL 解析       17.29 µs/iter  (16.67 µs … 153.62 µs)  17.25 µs  18.92 µs  22.25 µs

编写基准测试 Jump to heading

要定义一个基准测试,你需要通过调用 Deno.bench API 来注册它。这个 API 有多个重载,可以提供最大的灵活性,并在不同形式之间轻松切换(例如,当需要快速关注单个基准进行调试时,使用 only: true 选项):

// 紧凑形式:名称和函数
Deno.bench("你好,世界 #1", () => {
  new URL("https://deno.land");

// 紧凑形式:命名函数。
Deno.bench(function helloWorld3() {
  new URL("https://deno.land");

// 较长形式:基准定义。
  name: "你好,世界 #2",
  fn: () => {
    new URL("https://deno.land");

// 与紧凑形式相似,第二个参数是额外配置。
Deno.bench("你好,世界 #4", { permissions: { read: true } }, () => {
  new URL("https://deno.land");

// 与较长形式相似,第二个参数是基准函数。
  { name: "你好,世界 #5", permissions: { read: true } },
  () => {
    new URL("https://deno.land");

// 与较长形式相似,第二个参数是命名基准函数。
Deno.bench({ permissions: { read: true } }, function helloWorld6() {
  new URL("https://deno.land");

异步函数 Jump to heading

你还可以通过传递一个返回 Promise 的基准函数来基准化异步代码。为此,可以在定义函数时使用 async 关键字:

Deno.bench("异步你好,世界", async () => {
  await 1;

关键部分 Jump to heading


为帮助处理此类情况,你可以使用 Deno.BenchContext.startDeno.BenchContext.end 来告诉基准测试工具你想要测量的关键部分。在这两个调用之间的所有部分将被排除在测量之外。

Deno.bench("foo", async (b) => {
  // 打开一个我们将要操作的文件。
  using file = await Deno.open("a_big_data_file.txt");

  // 告诉基准测试工具这是你想测量的唯一部分。

  // 现在让我们测量从文件中读取所有数据需要多长时间。
  await new Response(file.readable).arrayBuffer();

  // 在这里结束测量。

上述示例需要 --allow-read 标志来运行基准测试: deno bench --allow-read file_reading.ts

分组与基准线 Jump to heading

在注册基准测试用例时,可以使用 Deno.BenchDefinition.group 选项将其分配到一个组中:

// url_bench.ts
Deno.bench("url 解析", { group: "url" }, () => {
  new URL("https://deno.land");


在这个示例中,我们将检查 Date.now() 相对于 performance.now() 的性能如何,为此,我们将第一个用例标记为“基准线”,使用 Deno.BenchDefinition.baseline 选项:

// time_bench.ts
Deno.bench("Date.now()", { group: "timing", baseline: true }, () => {

Deno.bench("performance.now()", { group: "timing" }, () => {
$ deno bench time_bench.ts
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: deno 1.21.0 (aarch64-apple-darwin)

benchmark              time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Date.now()         125.24 ns/iter (118.98 ns … 559.95 ns) 123.62 ns 150.69 ns 156.63 ns
performance.now()    2.67 µs/iter     (2.64 µs … 2.82 µs)   2.67 µs   2.82 µs   2.82 µs

   比 performance.now()21.29


运行基准测试 Jump to heading

要运行基准测试,调用 deno bench 并指定包含你的基准函数的文件。你也可以省略文件名,在这种情况下,将运行当前目录中(递归)与 glob {*_,*.,}bench.{ts, tsx, mts, js, mjs, jsx} 匹配的所有基准测试。如果你传递一个目录,将运行该目录中与此 glob 匹配的所有文件。

该 glob 扩展为:

  • 文件名为 bench.{ts, tsx, mts, js, mjs, jsx}
  • 或以 .bench.{ts, tsx, mts, js, mjs, jsx} 结尾的文件,
  • 或以 _bench.{ts, tsx, mts, js, mjs, jsx} 结尾的文件。
# 运行当前目录及所有子目录中的所有基准测试
deno bench

# 运行 util 目录中的所有基准测试
deno bench util/

# 仅运行 my_bench.ts
deno bench my_bench.ts

⚠️ 如果您想向基准测试文件传递其他 CLI 参数,请使用 -- 来告知 Deno 剩余的参数是脚本参数。

# 将额外参数传递给基准测试文件
deno bench my_bench.ts -- -e --foo --bar

deno bench 使用与 deno run 相同的权限模型,因此,例如,在基准测试期间写入文件系统时将需要 --allow-write

要查看与 deno bench 的所有运行时选项,可以参考命令行帮助:

deno help bench

过滤 Jump to heading


命令行过滤 Jump to heading

基准测试可以单独运行或按组运行,使用命令行 --filter 选项。



  name: "my-bench",
  fn: () => {/* 基准函数零 */},
  name: "bench-1",
  fn: () => {/* 基准函数一 */},
  name: "bench2",
  fn: () => {/* 基准函数二 */},


deno bench --filter "bench" benchmarks/


deno bench --filter "/bench-*\d/" benchmarks/

为了让 Deno 知道你想使用模式,请用正斜杠将你的过滤器括起来,就像 JavaScript 的正则表达式语法糖一样。

基准定义过滤 Jump to heading


过滤掉(忽略这些基准测试) Jump to heading

有时你想根据某种条件忽略基准测试(例如,你只想在 Windows 上运行基准)。为此,你可以在基准定义中使用 ignore 布尔值。如果设置为 true,该基准将被跳过。

  name: "基准 Windows 特性",
  ignore: Deno.build.os !== "windows",
  fn() {
    // 执行 Windows 特性

过滤进(仅运行这些基准测试) Jump to heading

有时你可能在一个大型基准测试类中遇到性能问题,并希望专注于仅该单个基准,并暂时忽略其余基准。为此,你可以使用 only 选项来告诉基准测试工具仅运行设置为 true 的基准。多个基准可以设置此选项。虽然基准测试运行会报告每个基准的成功或失败,但如果任何基准标记为 only,则整体基准测试运行将始终失败,因为这只是一个临时措施,它几乎禁用所有基准测试。

  name: "仅关注此基准",
  only: true,
  fn() {
    // 基准复杂内容

JSON 输出 Jump to heading

要将输出作为 JSON 进行检索,请使用 --json 标志:

$ deno bench --json bench_me.js
  "runtime": "Deno/1.31.0 x86_64-apple-darwin",
  "cpu": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz",
  "benches": [
    "origin": "file:///dev/bench_me.js",
    "group": null,
    "name": "Deno.UnsafePointerView#getUint32",
    "baseline": false,
    "result": {
      "ok": {
        "n": 49,
        "min": 1251.9348,
        "max": 1441.2696,
        "avg": 1308.7523755102038,
        "p75": 1324.1055,
        "p99": 1441.2696,
        "p995": 1441.2696,
        "p999": 1441.2696

