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deno compile,独立可执行文件

Command line usage

deno compile [OPTIONS] [SCRIPT_ARG]...

Compiles the given script into a self contained executable.

deno compile --allow-read --allow-net jsr:@std/http/file-server
deno compile --output file_server jsr:@std/http/file-server

Any flags specified which affect runtime behavior will be applied to the resulting binary.

This allows distribution of a Deno application to systems that do not have Deno installed. Under the hood, it bundles a slimmed down version of the Deno runtime along with your JavaScript or TypeScript code.

Cross-compiling to different target architectures is supported using the --target flag. On the first invocation with deno will download the proper binary and cache it in $DENO_DIR.

Type checking options Jump to heading

--check Jump to heading

Set type-checking behavior. This subcommand type-checks local modules by default, so adding --check is redundant If the value of "all" is supplied, remote modules will be included. Alternatively, the 'deno check' subcommand can be used.

--no-check Jump to heading

Skip type-checking. If the value of "remote" is supplied, diagnostic errors from remote modules will be ignored.

Dependency management options Jump to heading

--cached-only Jump to heading

Require that remote dependencies are already cached.

--frozen Jump to heading

Error out if lockfile is out of date.

--import-map Jump to heading

Load import map file from local file or remote URL.

--lock Jump to heading

Check the specified lock file. (If value is not provided, defaults to "./deno.lock").

--no-lock Jump to heading

Disable auto discovery of the lock file.

--no-npm Jump to heading

Do not resolve npm modules.

--no-remote Jump to heading

Do not resolve remote modules.

--node-modules-dir Jump to heading

Sets the node modules management mode for npm packages.

--reload Jump to heading

Short flag: -r

Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) no value Reload everything jsr:@std/http/file-server,jsr:@std/assert/assert-equals Reloads specific modules npm: Reload all npm modules npm:chalk Reload specific npm module.

--vendor Jump to heading

Toggles local vendor folder usage for remote modules and a node_modules folder for npm packages.

Options Jump to heading

--allow-scripts Jump to heading

Allow running npm lifecycle scripts for the given packages Note: Scripts will only be executed when using a node_modules directory (--node-modules-dir).

--cert Jump to heading

Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file.

--config Jump to heading

Short flag: -c

Configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting Typically the configuration file will be called deno.json or deno.jsonc and automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.

--env-file Jump to heading

Load environment variables from local file Only the first environment variable with a given key is used. Existing process environment variables are not overwritten, so if variables with the same names already exist in the environment, their values will be preserved. Where multiple declarations for the same environment variable exist in your .env file, the first one encountered is applied. This is determined by the order of the files you pass as arguments.

--ext Jump to heading

Set content type of the supplied file.

--location Jump to heading

Value of globalThis.location used by some web APIs.

--no-code-cache Jump to heading

Disable V8 code cache feature.

--no-config Jump to heading

Disable automatic loading of the configuration file.

--seed Jump to heading

Set the random number generator seed.

--v8-flags Jump to heading

To see a list of all available flags use --v8-flags=--help Flags can also be set via the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable. Any flags set with this flag are appended after the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable.

Compile options Jump to heading

--icon Jump to heading

Set the icon of the executable on Windows (.ico).

--include Jump to heading

Includes an additional module or file/directory in the compiled executable. Use this flag if a dynamically imported module or a web worker main module fails to load in the executable or to embed a file or directory in the executable. This flag can be passed multiple times, to include multiple additional modules.

--no-terminal Jump to heading

Hide terminal on Windows.

--output Jump to heading

Short flag: -o

Output file (defaults to $PWD/).

--target Jump to heading

Target OS architecture.

标志 Jump to heading

deno install 一样,执行脚本时使用的运行时标志必须在编译时指定。这包括权限标志。

deno compile --allow-read --allow-net jsr:@std/http/file-server

脚本参数 可以部分嵌入。

deno compile --allow-read --allow-net jsr:@std/http/file-server -p 8080

./file_server --help

交叉编译 Jump to heading

您可以使用 --target 标志为其他平台进行交叉编译二进制文件。

# 为 Apple Silicon 进行交叉编译
deno compile --target aarch64-apple-darwin main.ts

# 为 Windows 进行交叉编译并添加图标
deno compile --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --icon ./icon.ico main.ts

支持的目标 Jump to heading

Deno 支持针对所有目标的交叉编译,而不管主机平台。

操作系统 架构 目标
Windows x86_64 x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
macOS x86_64 x86_64-apple-darwin
macOS ARM64 aarch64-apple-darwin
Linux x86_64 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Linux ARM64 aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

图标 Jump to heading

可以通过在目标为 Windows 时使用 --icon 标志来为可执行文件添加图标。图标必须为 .ico 格式。

deno compile --icon icon.ico main.ts

# 带有图标的交叉编译
deno compile --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --icon ./icon.ico main.ts

动态导入 Jump to heading

默认情况下,可静态分析的动态导入(在 import("...") 调用表达式中包含字符串字面量的导入)会被包含在输出中。

// calculator.ts 及其依赖将包含在二进制文件中
const calculator = await import("./calculator.ts");


const specifier = condition ? "./calc.ts" : "./better_calc.ts";
const calculator = await import(specifier);

要包含不可静态分析的动态导入,请指定 --include <path> 标志。

deno compile --include calc.ts --include better_calc.ts main.ts

包含数据文件或目录 Jump to heading

从 Deno 2.1 开始,您可以通过 --include <path> 标志在可执行文件中包含文件或目录。

deno compile --include names.csv --include data main.ts

然后通过 import.meta.dirname 相对于当前模块的目录路径读取文件:

// main.ts
const names = Deno.readTextFileSync(import.meta.dirname + "/names.csv");
const dataFiles = Deno.readDirSync(import.meta.dirname + "/data");

// 在这里使用 names 和 dataFiles


Worker Jump to heading

与不可静态分析的动态导入类似,默认情况下,[workers](../web_platform_apis/#web-workers) 的代码不会包含在编译后的可执行文件中。有两种方法可以包含 workers:

  1. 使用 --include <path> 标志包含工作代码。
deno compile --include worker.ts main.ts
  1. 使用可静态分析的导入导入工作模块。
// main.ts
import "./worker.ts";
deno compile main.ts

代码签名 Jump to heading

macOS Jump to heading

默认情况下,在 macOS 上,编译后的可执行文件将使用临时签名签名,等同于运行 codesign -s -

$ deno compile -o main main.ts
$ codesign --verify -vv ./main

./main: 磁盘上的有效
./main: 满足其指定要求

您可以在对可执行文件进行代码签名时指定签名身份,就像您对任何其他 macOS 可执行文件所做的那样:

codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Your Name" ./main

有关 macOS 上代码签名和公证的更多信息,请参考 官方文档

Windows Jump to heading

在 Windows 上,可以使用 SignTool.exe 工具对编译后的可执行文件进行签名。

$ deno compile -o main.exe main.ts
$ signtool sign /fd SHA256 main.exe

在可执行文件中不可用 Jump to heading

