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deno install

Command line usage

deno install [OPTIONS] [cmd]...

Installs dependencies either in the local project or globally to a bin directory.

Local installation Jump to heading

Add dependencies to the local project's configuration (deno.json / package.json) and installs them in the package cache. If no dependency is specified, installs all dependencies listed in the config file. If the --entrypoint flag is passed, installs the dependencies of the specified entrypoint(s).

deno install
deno install jsr:@std/bytes
deno install npm:chalk
deno install --entrypoint entry1.ts entry2.ts

Global installation Jump to heading

If the --global flag is set, installs a script as an executable in the installation root's bin directory.

deno install --global --allow-net --allow-read jsr:@std/http/file-server
deno install -g https://examples.deno.land/color-logging.ts

To change the executable name, use -n/--name:

deno install -g --allow-net --allow-read -n serve jsr:@std/http/file-server

The executable name is inferred by default:

  • Attempt to take the file stem of the URL path. The above example would become file_server.
  • If the file stem is something generic like main, mod, index or cli, and the path has no parent, take the file name of the parent path. Otherwise settle with the generic name.
  • If the resulting name has an @... suffix, strip it.

To change the installation root, use --root:

deno install -g --allow-net --allow-read --root /usr/local jsr:@std/http/file-server

The installation root is determined, in order of precedence:

  • --root option
  • DENO_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable
  • $HOME/.deno

These must be added to the path manually if required.

Type checking options Jump to heading

--check Jump to heading

Set type-checking behavior. This subcommand type-checks local modules by default, so adding --check is redundant If the value of "all" is supplied, remote modules will be included. Alternatively, the 'deno check' subcommand can be used.

--no-check Jump to heading

Skip type-checking. If the value of "remote" is supplied, diagnostic errors from remote modules will be ignored.

Dependency management options Jump to heading

--cached-only Jump to heading

Require that remote dependencies are already cached.

--frozen Jump to heading

Error out if lockfile is out of date.

--import-map Jump to heading

Load import map file from local file or remote URL.

--lock Jump to heading

Check the specified lock file. (If value is not provided, defaults to "./deno.lock").

--no-lock Jump to heading

Disable auto discovery of the lock file.

--no-npm Jump to heading

Do not resolve npm modules.

--no-remote Jump to heading

Do not resolve remote modules.

--node-modules-dir Jump to heading

Sets the node modules management mode for npm packages.

--reload Jump to heading

Short flag: -r

Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) no value Reload everything jsr:@std/http/file-server,jsr:@std/assert/assert-equals Reloads specific modules npm: Reload all npm modules npm:chalk Reload specific npm module.

--vendor Jump to heading

Toggles local vendor folder usage for remote modules and a node_modules folder for npm packages.

Options Jump to heading

--allow-scripts Jump to heading

Allow running npm lifecycle scripts for the given packages Note: Scripts will only be executed when using a node_modules directory (--node-modules-dir).

--cert Jump to heading

Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file.

--config Jump to heading

Short flag: -c

Configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting Typically the configuration file will be called deno.json or deno.jsonc and automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.

--dev Jump to heading

Short flag: -D

Add the package as a dev dependency. Note: This only applies when adding to a package.json file.

--entrypoint Jump to heading

Short flag: -e

Install dependents of the specified entrypoint(s).

--env-file Jump to heading

Load environment variables from local file Only the first environment variable with a given key is used. Existing process environment variables are not overwritten, so if variables with the same names already exist in the environment, their values will be preserved. Where multiple declarations for the same environment variable exist in your .env file, the first one encountered is applied. This is determined by the order of the files you pass as arguments.

--force Jump to heading

Short flag: -f

Forcefully overwrite existing installation.

--global Jump to heading

Short flag: -g

Install a package or script as a globally available executable.

--location Jump to heading

Value of globalThis.location used by some web APIs.

--name Jump to heading

Short flag: -n

Executable file name.

--no-config Jump to heading

Disable automatic loading of the configuration file.

--root Jump to heading

Installation root.

--seed Jump to heading

Set the random number generator seed.

--v8-flags Jump to heading

To see a list of all available flags use --v8-flags=--help Flags can also be set via the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable. Any flags set with this flag are appended after the DENO_V8_FLAGS environment variable.

Debugging options Jump to heading

--inspect Jump to heading

Activate inspector on host:port [default:]

--inspect-brk Jump to heading

Activate inspector on host:port, wait for debugger to connect and break at the start of user script.

--inspect-wait Jump to heading

Activate inspector on host:port and wait for debugger to connect before running user code.

示例 Jump to heading

deno install Jump to heading

使用此命令安装 deno.json 和/或 package.json 中定义的所有依赖项。

依赖项将被安装在全局缓存中,但如果您的项目有 package.json 文件,本地的 node_modules 目录也会被创建。

deno install [PACKAGES] Jump to heading

使用此命令安装特定的软件包,并将其添加到 deno.jsonpackage.json 中。

$ deno install jsr:@std/testing npm:express


您也可以使用 deno add,它是 deno install [PACKAGES] 的别名。

如果您的项目有 package.json 文件,来自 npm 的软件包将被添加到 package.jsondependencies 中。否则,所有软件包将被添加到 deno.json 中。

deno install --entrypoint [FILES] Jump to heading


如果您在代码中使用 jsr:npm:http:https: 指定符,并希望在部署项目之前缓存所有依赖项,这尤其有用。

import * as colors from "jsr:@std/fmt/colors";
import express from "npm:express";
$ deno install -e main.js
下载 jsr:@std/fmt
下载 npm:express


如果您想设置本地的 node_modules 目录,可以传递 --node-modules-dir=auto 选项。

某些依赖项可能在没有本地 node_modules 目录的情况下无法正确工作。

deno install --global [PACKAGE_OR_URL] Jump to heading


此命令创建一个瘦的可执行 shell 脚本,该脚本使用指定的 CLI 标志和主模块调用 deno。它被放置在安装根目录中。


$ deno install --global --allow-net --allow-read jsr:@std/http/file-server
下载 jsr:@std/http/file-server...

✅ 成功安装 file-server.

要更改可执行文件的名称,使用 -n/--name

deno install -g -N -R -n serve jsr:@std/http/file-server


  • 尝试获取 URL 路径的文件名根。这上面的示例将变为 'file-server'。
  • 如果文件名根是 'main'、'mod'、'index' 或 'cli' 这样的通用名称,并且路径没有父级,则采用父路径的文件名。否则,采用通用名称。
  • 如果结果名称有 '@...' 后缀,则去掉它。

要更改安装根目录,请使用 --root

deno install -g -N -R --root /usr/local/bin jsr:@std/http/file-server


  • --root 选项
  • $HOME/.deno/bin


echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.deno/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc


deno install -g -N -R jsr:@std/http/file-server -- -p 8080

上述命令创建一个名为 file_server 的可执行文件,该文件在网络和读取权限下运行,并绑定到端口 8080。

出于良好实践,请使用 import.meta.main 习语在可执行脚本中指定入口点。


// https://example.com/awesome/cli.ts
async function myAwesomeCli(): Promise<void> {
  // -- 省略 --

if (import.meta.main) {


# 使用 deno install 安装

$ deno install -n awesome_cli https://example.com/awesome/cli.ts

原生 Node.js 附加模块 Jump to heading

许多流行的 npm 软件包,如 npm:sqlite3npm:duckdb,依赖于 "生命周期脚本",例如 preinstallpostinstall 脚本。通常,运行这些脚本是软件包正常工作的必要条件。

与 npm 不同,Deno 默认不运行这些脚本,因为它们可能会带来安全漏洞。

您仍然可以通过在运行 deno install 时传递 --allow-scripts=<packages> 选项来运行这些脚本:

deno install --allow-scripts=npm:sqlite3

安装所有依赖项,并允许 npm:sqlite3 软件包运行其生命周期脚本

卸载 Jump to heading

您可以使用 deno uninstall 命令卸载依赖项或二进制脚本:

$ deno uninstall express
删除 express
$ deno uninstall -g file-server
删除 /Users/deno/.deno/bin/file-server
✅ 成功卸载 file-server

有关更多详细信息,请参见 deno uninstall 页面

